Data synchronisation Lucy
Visual Remote management Visuel Gestion Ă  distance mobile
Remote management

Intervene remotely in real time or at a given date on all the salons of a group.

Remote management software

Management with iBusiness? It’s where I want, when I want!


Image le management avec iBusiness

Remotely define the catalogues of services, discounts, products and marketing or loyalty actions you want, with specific prices or elements for each of your salons

Pictogramme Intervenez a distance

Intervene remotely and apply all your changes immediately or on a given date in each salon concerned.

Les avantages !

pictogramme Souplesse organisation de tâche

Flexibility in the organisation of your tasks

Pictogramme maitrise complète de l'activité salon

Complete control of your salon business

Pictogramme Simplifiez la tache

Simplify the work of your employees

pictogramme Planifiez et automatisez vos opérations

Plan and automate your operations

Pictogramme Popcall - Gain de teemps

Time saving and speed of execution

scrolltotop DĂ©filer vers le haut