Visual iMerlin - Your living room becomes interactive Visuel article imerlin mobile

And your salon becomes interactive!

This application offers a unique experience to create a dialogue with your clients.

Interactive software for your customers

Connected to Merlin :
All information entered on iMerlin is automatically transmitted to Merlin.


image ipad interactive software client
Right direction arrow
Image mode client - Interagissez

fleche top mode ”clients“

Interact with your customers

iMerlin allows the customer to fill out her form herself, sign her RGPD consent and take a selfie for her profile picture!

With iMerlin you gain in productivity: creation of a collection form directly on the iPad, making an appointment on the calendar, updating the data sheet, iMerlin knows how to do everything and transmits all its information to Merlin.

Les avantages !

Pictogramme collaborateurs impliqués

Your employees are more productive

Pictogramme clients fidélisés

Your clients are put in the spotlight

Pictogramme - Plus d'attente à la caisse du salon

No more waiting at the salon checkout

Pictogrammee suivi de rendez vous

The appointment is better followed up

Pictogramme - Saisir informations

You are always ready to enter information

Pictogramme fauteuil rendezvous

You can make the next appointment directly from the chair

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