Visual header card mobile collection, computer Visuel carte encaissement mobile

Collection and billing software

visuel logiciel d'encaissement et facturation

An easy-to-use NF 525 certified cash register to save time. Access your data 24 hours a day on your computer, tablet or iPad.

Visuel ticket de caisse

fleche top customizable

Cashier’s ticket. Put your ticket on hold for later finalisation. Make discounts on the whole ticket or on one line only. With Merlin you can manage multiple payment methods on one ticket. Incredible.

in accordance with the legislation

visuel logiciel ordinateur paiements

Payments. Merlin manages credit and deferred payments. Tips left by credit card or cheque are automatically allocated to employees.

Visuel encaissement cliente

direct access from
the collection screen

Customers. Access customer information and reschedule an appointment directly from the collection screen. View the customer’s coloring sheet in one click, edit and create as much as you like.

Client History

Pictogramme derniere visite


Pictogramme fiche moyenne


Pictogramme monétique


Pictogramme points-fidelite


Check your customer’s subscription balance, the list of last products purchased and the sum of checks that have not yet been cashed.

At checkout generate a one-click order for a product that is out of stock for your customer.

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