Software to retain your customers

Boost your salon visits and sales with Merlin marketing.

Exploit your customer file. Create customer groups based on selected criteria. Automate the addition of customers to a group when a criterion is met.

eMails and SMS*. From the filters made, launch the marketing operation of your choice: e-mails and/or SMS*. You can rest assured that your marketing operations by e-mail and SMS* are pre-set and will be sent automatically.
*Requires SMS option.

Integrated word processing: create, write and personalise your documents. Create and save your own commercial operation themes: customer reminder, thank you 1st visit, birthday, special offer, one-off operation… Print address labels for your mailings.

Loyalty card.The card loyalty service to turn purchases and visits into points, to offer exclusive services or to manage subscriptions.
your loyalty cards
with the image of your salon.
Available as an option for the Merlin Light and Merlin Solo versions, included in the Merlin Pro version.