Online booking
Visuel client article fichier
Secure customer file

Software for managing and centralising your customer files

Secure customer file

Visuel logiciel de gestion et centralisation des fichiers clients

General information. Address. Mobile phone. Email. Date of birth. Age range.

Visit information. Total number of visits. Visit history. Frequency of visits.

Appointment information.

Payment information. Maximum credit allowed. Balance. Bank references. Specific tariff.

Pictogramme Fiches techniques blanc

Technical sheets. Account and history of techniques: products, formulas, treatments used, etc.

Visuel fidélisation client

Loyalty. Find the list of marketing operations the customer has been the target of, their complete history with details of tickets and a button to print labels for sending your mailings

loyalty cards

Visuel ventes


Manage credit notes, product returns and quotes with Merlin. Access the list of products….

Loyalty Module

Available as an option for the Merlin Light and Merlin Solo version, included in the Merlin Pro version.

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